Health & Safety

, Health & Safety

KEMRON fully supports and promotes the Health and Safety of its employees, subcontractors and communities in which work and tasks are performed.  The safety culture at KEMRON is to provide and maintain healthful and safe working conditions and to establish standard programs and procedures that encourage recognition of hazards and promotes effective safeguards.  KEMRON also encourages employees to participate in wellness programs which help prevent non-workplace illness and injury.

KEMRON provides employees and subcontractors with daily, weekly, and monthly messages, memorandums and Stand-downs to express the policy of commitment, compliance, and adherence to Safety.  Everyone has stop work authority; with a “If you see something, Say something” approach.

Safety for KEMRON starts during the planning stage and continues throughout project close-out.  Recognition and mitigation of physical, chemical, and environmental hazards is placed at the forefront and is never compromised by cost and schedule.  KEMRON provides extensive training and resources necessary to accomplish job-specific duties safely and efficiently.

Prevent the next incident by reporting a near-miss!